受害者嫌疑人 VictimSuspect



由导演执导的《受害者嫌疑人 VictimSuspect》别名(未知),2023年在美国上映至今获得了不错的口碑,由等主演的一部不错的纪录电影。In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it.                                                                    Investigative journalist Rae de Leon has discovered a startling pattern in rape cases in the United States. Namely, that women who have reported a sexual assault are suspected of lying by the police. First they are accused of making up their allegations, later they are prosecuted for giving false testimony and sometimes they end up serving prison sentences. ‘VictimSuspect’ shows how the roles are reversed so the perpetrators are declared innocent while the victims sometimes end up behind bars and other times end their lives. Rae de Leon gets first-hand accounts from the women and interviews legal experts as she delves into police methods, interrogation techniques and preliminary investigations, and the outcome reveals a corrupt system. Nancy Schwartzman charts a law enforcement agency that confuses victims and suspects and is relevant far beyond America’s borders. It is a powerful testimony to systemic failure, police handling of cases and a determined journalist’s attempt to change it.                                                                    源自:httpscphdox.dkfilmvictimsuspect《受害者嫌疑人 VictimSuspect》在美国发行,破晓电影收集了受害者嫌疑人 VictimSuspect网页端在线观看、手机mp4免费观看、高清百度云播放等资讯信息,如果你有更好看更高清的受害者嫌疑人 VictimSuspect影视资源请联系破晓电影。


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